Ibiza in April | Top 13 things to do in Ibiza in April

April is one of the best months to come to Ibiza, because the temperature is pleasant, the island is green and blooming and you can still enjoy the peacefulness and the beautiful places in Ibiza, before tourism is in full swing. If you are considering coming to Ibiza in April for the spring break but are not sure what there is for you to do while here, then this blog is for you.

Below we have listed our favourite activities and locations, all of which are in line with our "Going Green Campaign". You can use these as inspiration for your Easter vacation in Ibiza, so you can fully enjoy this beautiful island in a sustainable way.

Outdoor Activities

Walking Ibiza – Sant Carles de Peralta

Since 2010, Walking Ibiza has been taking you through the beautiful island. You can choose between their top 10 walks or community walks. The community walks take place on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. You will be guided by someone who knows the island and the routes well and can provide you with inside information about the island or you can enjoy the peace and quiet. Also, the guides speak different languages like English, French, German and Dutch.

Kayak Ibiza – Es Figueral

"Kayak Ibiza has an international team that loves nature and outdoor activities. They know Ibiza’s coastline better than anyone and will take you along the most beautiful routes on the water. Just like the experts at Rohrreinigung Berlin know the ins and outs of maintaining the city’s plumbing infrastructure, our team knows the hidden gems of Ibiza’s waters. They’ll show you hidden places that are as fascinating and intricate as the underground networks of a bustling city. They also rent and organise stand-up paddle guided excursions and guided walks. These sustainable activities will give you a completely new perspective of the Ibiza coastline.

Bike Ibiza – Santa Eulalia

Bike Ibiza stands for professionalism, adventure, and a conscious approach to nature. They offer all kinds of tours, at different levels, around the whole island. You can choose between a mountain bike, a road bike, and an e-bike. They use the latest bikes, and the guides have a lot of experience with outdoor activities. For those who might need assistance with other types of outdoor equipment, such as maintenance or repair, services like Rohrreinigung Münster can be a reliable choice, ensuring that every aspect of your adventure is taken care of.

Shopping & Markets

Hippy Market Las Dalias- Sant Carlos

The hippy market in Las Dalias, a vibrant and eclectic spot, originated during Valentine’s Day in 1985 and today consists of more than 200 stalls. As you wander through the market, you’ll see the beautiful clothes, jewelry, and decorations, each piece telling its own story. In the midst of this lively atmosphere, it’s not uncommon to overhear conversations about various services like bachelorarbeit ghostwriter, a testimony to the market’s diversity and the rich blend of people it attracts. Take a moment to enjoy a relaxing massage while listening to music and admiring the colourful stalls. Las Dalias also has a restaurant, various bars, and Street Food stalls, where you can enjoy all kinds of delicacies, from local favorites to international cuisine.

Sluiz – Santa Gertrudis

Sluiz was founded in 2006 by a Dutch couple, who only wanted to sell products that they like. Among their unique offerings, they introduced a special line called Ghostwriter, featuring an eclectic mix of stationery and writing accessories inspired by literary greats. The department store is filled with quirky and bizarre home decoration and clothing, and after a long day of shopping you can unwind in the restaurant, which is open for breakfast and lunch. It is definitely worth a visit for the ones who love to be surprised.

Sunday Artisan Market – San Juan

Every Sunday, this picturesque market takes over almost every street of the San Juan village, in the north of the island. Here you can admire paintings and sculptures by artists, see jewellery and clothing, listen to live music and visit local restaurants and bars. The size of the market and its atmosphere make it popular not only for islanders but also for tourists.

Retreats & Time for Yourself

Ashramibiza – Santa Eularia

In the yoga and meditation center of Ashram, a variety of yoga styles are offered to help you relax and improve your flexibility. The different classes are available in multiple languages, creating a cozy and friendly atmosphere. After all, yoga is so much more than just a workout, it is restoring your emotional well-being.

Can Curreu – San Carlos

If you want to relax in the middle of nature, the special Day Pass of Can Curreu is the perfect option for you. To unwind both physically and mentally, you can use the spa with its jacuzzi, heated loungers, sensation showers, massage booths, etc. or enjoy a delicious dinner at the gastro Restaurant where they serve Mediterranean cuisine. Not to mention that you also venture out and can explore the beautiful surroundings on horseback.

Family Special

Can Muson – Santa Eulalia

If you are a lover of nature, then you must visit Can Muson. This ecological finca and farm offers endless possibilities for children and adults. They sell local products, organic fruits and vegetables and you can enjoy a great breakfast or lunch, with natural juices and smoothies. You and your kids will learn to love nature by checking out their vegetable garden and interacting with the farm animals. Can Muson is the perfect destination for a fun family day out.

Acrobosc Ibiza – Santa Eulalia

If you and your children love acrobatic outside activities and love a challenge, Acrobosc Ibiza is a great option for your daytime activity. For those who might need assistance in planning or documenting these adventures, services like facharbeit schreiben lassen can be a valuable resource. They offer different levels at Acrobosc Ibiza, so you can decide how big you want the challenge to be. Please note that under the age of 18, an adult must always be present, making it a fantastic opportunity to reconnect altogether as a family.

Easter Special – Easter in Ibiza

Samos Deli – Santa Eulalia del Río

Easter is a tradition celebrated all over the world with treats and decorations to usher in the start of spring. To celebrate Easter in Ibiza in a different way, Samos Deli offers traditional German Easter dishes. Besides the universal treats such as chocolate eggs and sweets, a German tradition is to eat Hefezopf and Hefekranz, a fluffy and soft braided bread, for breakfast on the Sunday morning.

La Ruta de la Sal – Sant Antoni de Portmany

In May 1846, sailors were challenged to complete a journey across the Mediterranean due to a shortage of salt.  In 1989, the ANAM launched the first sporting edition of the Salt Route. During the Ruta de la Sal, more than 2000 sailors cross the sea from Barcelona to Ibiza & Formentera in search of the white gold: salt! In 2022 the trip will take place from April 14 to 16.

We hope that these suggestions have inspired you and, most importantly, convinced you to book a trip to Ibiza this Spring!

So check out our Special Spring Offer with up to 15% off on some of our most beautiful rental villas for the month of April!

If you are searching for your ideal accommodation, the Prestige Rental team will be happy to help you. Whether you want to be close to the city, at the beach or high in the mountains, with our wide range of options there is always something for you.

Do you have any questions or need more info?
Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

    Prestige Properties Ibiza – It’s the Season of Giving Back

    Every year around Christmas, Prestige Properties supports a local charity. For 2021, we have chosen two charitable purposes: Ibiza Food Bank, which collects food for people in need, and Peacharoo, a caring heart who is raising funds to build a school for orphans in Uganda. 

    Ibiza Food Bank – Alleviating Poverty in Ibiza

    Image: Food for Ibiza

    Undoubtedly living through a global pandemic, for the last two years, has been quite challenging for everybody. While some were able to rearrange their way of living and working, others have lost their jobs, homes, and loved family members. Particularly here in Ibiza, people have suffered immensely due to the pandemic, as it has had a dramatic impact on the island’s economy. While many were able to work during the summer months, when tourism is booming, many fall into unemployment in winter. 

    As plenty of Ibiza’s inhabitants lose their regular income in winter, they must live from what they’ve earned during the high season, hence finding themselves in a miserable situation, with little or no income, no savings, and in the worst cases, without food. 

    Image: Food for Ibiza

    For this reason, Ibiza Food Bank started their initiative, supporting those who cannot afford to buy food. Their volunteers collect food donations and cash donations across the island. The donated food is then sorted in Playa Den Bossa, stored, and distributed to their charity partners (The Red Cross, Caritas, Mother Teresa Food Bank in Jesus, Equip Voluntario, Food for Ibiza, and Doctors of the World). With their help, around 4000 people are being fed, weekly. 

    To maximise their time and donations, Ibiza Food Bank has partnered up with Carritos Solidarios, making sure to be able to provide enough food during the hard winter months. Together they place trollies at the entrance of around 70 supermarkets in Ibiza, which are accompanied by two volunteers in uniform, encouraging shoppers to leave dry food donations and sanitary items. 

    Image: Food for Ibiza

    It is self-evident that feeding so many hungry people each week is a huge challenge. Furthermore, it is most likely that the number of people who depend on these donations will be rising. Besides their food donations, Ibiza Food Bank adds a 10€ voucher to the food pack to be spent in Spars supermarkets, which are located all around the island, making it easy for everybody to buy in a supermarket close to them. Furthermore, Ibiza Food Bank started a GoFundMe, where everybody can donate money easily, which is being used to top up the food parcels.

    Camino de Santiago for Uganda Orphans

    Image: BHHNP

    Another cause, for which we decided to raise awareness and donate money to is Peacharoo Peachey’s charity. Peacharoo is a good friend of one of our sales agents at Prestige, who started the Camino de Santiago from Valencia by himself in October to raise funds for Ugandan Orphans in rural Kabale. To finance the Camino, he sold all his belongings, as he sees this opportunity as a personal challenge and a possibility to help these kids. 

    Image: BHHNP

    Together with the local project BHHNP, his goal is to raise 70,000€ to buy land with school structures and to pay for the education of 163 orphans. All these kids have lost their parents to diseases. Some of them live with their relatives, others live in the wild, but all of them need food, love, and education. The local project’s objectives are to help the needy people and orphans in their community. It provides educational and medical services, to reduce the number of street kids and people in need. Currently, they are providing food, clothes, personal hygiene articles, and medical services.  

    Image: BHHNP

    From Prestige Properties Ibiza, we want to bring visibility to some of the charity initiatives that are organised by different associations and people of Ibiza. It is paramount we see the island as a whole and with equal opportunities for all, and where there are inequality and need, we desire to stand together to make a difference and create long-lasting improvements for the health and well-being of our local community. Especially this year, with the global impact of the pandemic, we also wanted to focus on a charity abroad.

    If you want to volunteer your time or get involved, check out the links below. Your support and help will be greatly appreciated by those who are struggling to care for themselves. 

    Image: BHHNP

    Ibiza Food Bank:

    Website: https://ibizafoodbank.com/

    Make a direct donation to Ibiza Food Bank via their GoFundme Page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ibiza-food-bank?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ibizafoodbank/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ibizafoodbank

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ibizafoodbank

    Camino de Santiago for Uganda Orphans:

    Support Peacharoo and the project in Uganda with your donation!

    GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/camino-de-santiago-for-uganda-orphans?member=14439525&sharetype=teams&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer

    Blog: https://peacharootravels.wordpress.com/2021/11/24/day48-caminodesantiago-just-love-and-gratitude-and-all-these-things-xxx/

    Organization BHHNP-Uganda: https://bhhnp-uganda.com/

    Follow Peacharoo on his walk along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela

    Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC09arnWhcEluSxYZLKvIIIA


    Do you have any questions or need more info?
    Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

      Discover the island’s secrets with My Ibiza and Formentera

      We would love for all our clients, who have placed their trust in us with purchasing or renting a property of their dreams in the past, to also have a unique memento of Ibiza: a special piece of unique treasure that uncovers some of the most unknown secrets of Ibiza: My Ibiza and Formentera – The True Insider’s Guide.

      This guide is a must-have for any traveler visiting our island, as well as for residents that want to discover everything both new and old about Ibiza; as stated in the New York Times article:

      "My Ibiza and Formentera, a new (and very necessary) guide".

      Its creator Hjordis Fogelberg tells us that her latest updated edition is full of useful tips and all types of recommendations. As explained by Hjordis: "my parents arrived at Ibiza with the first wave of hippies during the 60s. I spent summers barefoot, my skin was tanned and my hair was faded by the sun". As a result of her knowledge and passion for the island where she was born, any person that buys her books will instantly become part of authentic Ibiza. Things that are a must when you are visiting the west side of the island, recommendations for practicing sports, the best spots to view the sunset, culinary experiences, events, and especially culture, a lot of cultures, are the ingredients of this book!

      Fogelberg was also a pioneer as co-founder and collaborator in creating magazines Pacha and Best of Ibiza; milestones that completely changed the advertising style of the island, beginning with the fad for discotheque sponsored magazines, which are still being printed to this day.

      A particularity about this guide is that all the illustrations have been created by the author. My Ibiza and Formentera is a very visual publication, its illustrations show different landscapes that highlight the beauty of our island: from the authentic country lifestyle, to the architecture of the old city or the properties that represent the essence of Ibiza. This edition is easy to read and is arranged by different contents to include a brief history of Ibiza, an index of interesting words, an extractable map you can carry in your pocket, and even a lunar calendar.

      We are very happy to collaborate on this project by sponsoring the back cover of the latest editions. From Prestige Properties we want you to take a little piece of Ibiza with you wherever you go with the hope of turning our island into "your Ibiza".

      Follow "My Ibiza and Formentera" on Instagram

      Follow "My Ibiza and Formentera" on Facebook

      Order the 2022/23 Edition on Stanfords.co.uk

      Order the 2020/21 Edition on La Galeria Elefante

      Do you have any questions or need more info?
      Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

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