Reducing CO2 Emissions – Calculating our Carbon Footprint

Over the past century, it has been estimated that global CO2 emissions have risen from 2 billion tons (recorded 1900) to a staggering 36.5 billion tons (by 2018).

While it’s easy to see a statistic and stay distant from the issue, individuals, businesses, and organizations must collectively acknowledge the significant correlation between our increased Co2 emissions and the devastating effects on planetary climate change.

The fight against climate change requires the active reduction of our energy consumption. Energy efficiency and reducing our carbon emissions is the transition needed to work towards a clean energy future.

Reducing Co2 Emissions in the Workplace

For every company, a chain of energy exists. Businesses and offices produce Co2 emissions and consume energy through the use of natural gas, electricity, heating oil, propane, servers, fleet, employee, and commuter travel.

Businesses can reduce their carbon footprint through several actions that include the usage of renewable energy sources, simply regulating the office thermostat, ensuring all plug sockets are switched off at the end of the day, choosing a laptop instead of a desktop computer, sharing vehicles, recycling, etc.

Calculating our Carbon Footprint

Whilst most businesses may not have the time, knowledge, and resources to spend organizing, planning, and sustaining eco-friendly actions to make a difference to their carbon footprint, there are companies specialised in calculating and providing energy-efficient solutions to help create a more sustainable workplace.

In the latter part of 2020, we calculated our Carbon Footprint: Prestige Properties Ibiza emits approximately 18 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Since actively calculating our carbon footprint, we have now received an official manual for reducing our emissions in the office by changing electrical equipment to newer more efficient versions, changing to more hybrid or fully electric cars, switching off all equipment at the end of the day, and keeping air-con’s systems within reasonable temperature limits.


Offsetting means funding global projects to reduce carbon emissions elsewhere, to "off-set" the amount of emissions you create. Frequently carbon offsetting reduces emissions much faster than an individual or single company can.

Carbon offsetting projects help to combat global climate change as well as caring for local communities. In many instances they also are known to provide needed employment, health improvement, biodiversity, reforestation and broad social benefits to impoverished communities.

For the future, we are now looking at projects to off-set our footprint, so that we can be a 100% carbon neutral company. So, stay tuned for more information.

While real solutions require action on a global scale, there are choices you and your business can make in your day-to-day work life that will lessen the impact on the environment. The more companies that decide to be carbon neutral, the greater the impact will be for a cleaner future.

Having a specialised Partner Program with an innovative way to help our business calculate, reduce and offset our carbon footprint has set us on a clear path to help the environment, fight climate change, and help work towards the transition to a clean energy future.

For more information on how you too can be part of the solution, why not calculate your very own carbon footprint right now: Carbon Footprint Calculator For Individuals And Households

Gobierno de Espana calculate reduce offset

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Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

    Benefits of leaflets made with recycled paper

    Compostable leaflets

    Aware of the importance of using recycled paper and considering our love for Ibiza and for preserving our island, several years ago we began considering how we could reduce the use of paper at our company. We wanted to implement a responsible use that was commensurate with our environmental awareness and where respect for the environment is one of the main objectives in our daily operations.

    In July 2018 we launched our first leaflets made using 100% recyclable paper, chlorine-free and biodegradable. We are the first to do so in our sector and would like for more companies to begin using recycled paper. We understand that conserving our resources is a global issue and therefore, in the following post we would like to show you this technique and introduce some of the most commonly used methods.

    Water based inks

    Inks are usually made using petroleum based solvents. When these are exposed to water, they contaminate the groundwater and the soil. These inks can also emit volatile organic compounds VOCs that are toxic to humans. These compounds are also ozone precursors and are therefore harmful to health, crops and fields.

    The water-based inks that are used for our leaflets notably decrease the emission of VOCs. This reduces the environmental impact and improves the working conditions of employees tasked with printing the leaflets. Another consequence of using inks made using petroleum-based solvents is that the process of cleaning the machines and equipment generate a large amount of VOCs and hazardous waste such as rags. This can be prevented by using water-based inks for printing.

    Bleaching of paper

    Three methods are used for bleaching the paste during the paper manufacturing process. The method that was previously used and which use has been drastically reduced since 1990 is a method that uses elemental chlorine. This method of bleaching is currently prohibited by the European Union. Another method based on this element is one that uses chlorine dioxide, which is applied to 84% of the paste in the paper that is currently being produced in the world. This component is much less toxic that elemental chlorine but it is not completely safe and its level of toxicity is subject to controversy.

    The third method for bleaching the paper paste is one used for producing recycled products. In this case the paste is either not bleached or sodium hydrosulphite is used, which is a completely chlorine-free chemical.

    This method, although not widely used since it is only used in 5% of the paper that is produced, provides some advantages. The first advantage is that the paper does not absorb chlorine and therefore is completely bio-compostable. The second advantage is that less water is used for bleaching and a large percentage of it can be reused. The third advantage is that the residual water is much easier to treat when this bleaching method is used.

    Leaflets made using recycled paper must naturally degrade without harming the environment. This is why we also need to use water-based and non-toxic inks for printing. Another requirement is that the paper must be bleached using chlorine-free products.

    Protecting the environment

    Trees are a source of raw materials; the so-called virgin paper paste, for paper producing industries. At least 4000 million trees are felled on the planet each year and the species that are most often subjected to this process are the eucalyptus and the pine.

    A suitable collection and separation of paper and cardboard allows for proper recycling these as well as other recyclable materials such as plastic, glass, metal and bio-waste collected in bio-compostable bags; the composting process may be industrial or domestic. The separating of materials in blue containers prevents the paper and cardboard from becoming stained or contaminated, which would make them harder to recycle.

    Recycling process

    Recycled paper and cardboard may be reused almost entirely considering that 1000 kilograms will generate 900 kilograms of products made with recycled paper. After collecting and separating, the recycled paper paste is cleansed of possible foreign elements and it is separated from the ink. Then, it is subjected to a drying and pressing process to make the paper. You must know that the complete process may be carried out several times but nearly 15% is lost each cycle due to cellulose fibres that are too short.

    Benefits of recycled paper

    The use of recycled paper plays a major role in preserving the natural resource constituted by cellulose fibres, extending its service life for several cycles. Also, the following positive effects are generated by conducting a good recycling through a proper separation of the collected materials.

    1. The use of cardboard and paper waste closes a cycle where new products are produced. You may be surprised to know that 69% of the supplies required by the paper and cardboard industries could be satisfied if all the paper and cardboard waste that is generated was recycled. These materials replace virgin paper paste, thus preventing felling and deforestation.

    For every 1000 kilograms of recycled paper, 12 to 14 trees are saved, which equates to 4 cubic metres of wood. We calculate that one tree is saved for each person that recycles or reuses the paper they use in a year.

    2. The amount of biodegradable materials that are deposited in waste dumps is notably reduced, thus limiting the emissions of Greenhouse Gases or GHG. A ton of recycled paper saves 2.3 tons of CO2, which would otherwise be emitted to the atmosphere. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and one of the main contributors to climate change.

    3. The amount of space required for this purpose is also reduced, thus limiting the degradation of the land. A ton of recycled cardboard and paper reduces the waste reaching the dumps by 3.5 cubic metres.

    4. The processes that use recycled paper instead of virgin paper consume 80% less water, which, as you may suppose, results in a substantial savings. One ton of recycled paper saves 26 cubic metres of water. On the other hand, the use of chemical products required in these industrial processes is also reduced.

    5. A 70% energy savings is generated when recycled paper and cardboard are used. Recycling 1000 kilograms of paper and cardboard saves 4,000 kilowatts of power per hour. This is due to the cost of the industrial treatment of virgin wood, which is much higher.

    6. The atmospheric pollution resulting from gas emissions has been reduced by 74% and water pollution is reduced by 35%. This is the best example of how recycling helps the environment.

    7. The development of paper and cardboard waste collection and treatment sectors has a positive impact on the economies by creating new jobs.

    8. Conifer or eucalyptus trees that are planted to supply the paper production industry replace the forests comprised of other species of trees, which harms biodiversity.

    9. The separate collection of waste at home and at the workplace generate awareness in people regarding preserving the environment and in using renewable resources.


    Recycling paper and cardboard prevents deforestation in areas where trees used by the paper production industry grow. For several reasons, deforestation is occurring more frequently in many areas of the planet. One of these reasons is the clearing of forests to produce paper.

    Deforestation contributes to accelerating climate change since it decreases the absorption of CO2 by part of the trees. As you well know, another negative effect of deforestation is that it destroys the habitat of the fauna and flora, thus affecting and diminishing the biodiversity of the region.

    On the other hand, deforestation leads to a loss of topsoil, since the leaves that fall from the trees degrade by the effect of micro-organisms, which fertilises the ground. Also, the loss of trees alters the rain cycle, decreasing the amount of precipitation. A loss of fertility of the soil and less rain leads to a desertification process, a consequence of which fertile lands become barren and hard to recover.

    With this explanation we understand how the use of leaflets made with recycled paper has a positive impact on our planet. You must know that nearly 20% of the waste generated by cities is cardboard and similar type wrapping materials as well as paper used for printing documents, magazines and newspapers. Of this waste, 70% is recoverable.

    Different decrees, laws and provisions in Spain as well as the European Union are aimed at setting goals for reducing waste that is recyclable and which unfortunately end up in waste dumps.

    At Prestige Properties we are committed to protecting the environment and have implemented the newest and safest processes to preserve it. 

    Do you have any questions or need more info?
    Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

      ONE TOY, ONE SMILE – Christmas Charity Campaign

      Each Christmas, Prestige Properties Ibiza takes pride in supporting a local charity and contributing to the well-being of those less fortunate in our community. In 2018, we decided to choose a campaign that was both close to our hearts and also directly linked to our workplace, through our colleague Nina Negru, the 4th Edition of ‘One Toy, One Smile’, organised by Food for Ibiza.

      The "One Toy, One Smile" Campaign

      Christmas is a time of hope and compassion. Children who live in poverty often experience Christmas very differently from what the seasonal retail marketing narratives would have us believe, and also often very different from their friends and peers. 

      Sharing and receiving a small gift, in the form of a toy has the ability to change a child’s entire perspective, value, self-worth, and simply send a small message of hope.

      "One Toy, One Smile" is the perfect addition to offering food to families in need at such an incredibly special time of the year. As well as giving toys, each family also receives a €25 coupon per head to be spent on their own personal Christmas menu at their nearby supermarket. Making everyone feel loved and cared for. At Prestige Properties, we were overly happy to be part of such a wonderful project. 

      The event was marked by the element of surprise and overwhelming emotions, brought by a simple goodwill gesture to those who needed it most. We are very grateful to the team at Food for Ibiza for their incredible dedication, and for taking responsibility for the success of these initiatives here in Ibiza. 

      About ‘Food for Ibiza’

      Since 2014, Food for Ibiza, a non-profit organisation, has been actively campaigning and helping to improve the quality of life for people in Ibiza, by fighting hunger and supplying some of the island’s poorest families with food and those basic necessities that we often take for granted. 

      The organisation solely runs on the support of volunteers and is dependent on the generosity and donations made by the local community, like other businesses, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and private household contributors. 

      The volunteers from ‘Food for Ibiza’ primarily drive to collection points across the island to pick up donated groceries, such as dried foods like rice, lentils, beans, pasta or canned meat and fish, oil, coffee, cocoa, and cookies and bring them to their warehouse where items are stored, sorted and the packages are prepared for delivery based on every family’s particular need. They are then distributed to the registered families once a month. 

      We are very proud to be working with one of the founding members of Food for Ibiza, our colleague Nina Negru, as part of our team of sales agents. Nina is a great professional in the real estate market who felt she needed to contribute more directly to alleviating some of the difficulties faced by those struggling to keep up in an economy progressively geared towards luxury and exclusivity.  

      Fundraising with ‘Food for Ibiza’

      In September, Food for Ibiza held its annual fundraising event at the famous ‘Children of the 80’s’ Party at the Hard Rock Hotel:  to enter the party you simply had to bring 3 kilograms of non-perishable food. 

      Nina Negru stated that the collection at this event proved essential in helping low-income families from the island during the winter ahead.

      Poverty in Ibiza – The Facts

      We live on an island that is known for its wonderful surroundings and its affluent and privileged lifestyle. It is often difficult to believe or even notice that some people experience very difficult and extreme situations of poverty and desperation. Some people have very little income, food, are homeless, or have few resources and opportunities.

      From Prestige Properties Ibiza, we want to bring visibility to some of the charity initiatives that are organised by different associations of Ibiza. It is paramount we see the island as a whole and with equal opportunities for all, and where there are inequality and needs, we desire to stand together to make a difference and create long-lasting improvements for the health and well-being of our local community. 

      If you want to volunteer your time or get involved, check out the links below. Your support and help will be greatly appreciated by those who are struggling to care for themselves. 

      Food for Ibiza:

      No time to spare? Donate!

      Paypal: [email protected]

      Or via Bank Transfer: OPENBANK

      IBAN: ES67 0073 0100 5505 0541 8480

      SWIFT CODE for a donation from abroad: OPENESMM

      Do you have any questions or need more info?
      Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

        Let’s plant a Sabina!

        Four young men from Ibiza, nicknamed "The Sabina Boys", who grew up together and were schoolmates, José Fernández, Guillaume Desager, Patrick Nagel and Andrés García, left on July 10th from Ibiza and are driving to Mongolia, arriving at the end of this August, they are participating in the famous charitable challenge "The Mongol Rally" that was created in 2004.

        The Mongol Rally is an annual event that attracts people who like adventure and are keen to take on the challenge, the journey covers roughly 30,000km through mountains and desert, from Europe to Asia. Without support equipment, driving a basic vehicle, in their case a Renault Kangoo, and without an established route. It is a charity race in and each team supports an NGO of their choice.

        "The Sabina Boys" chose the NGO and will pass their donations to the next campaign of "Reforesta Ibiza", where reforestation days will be organized by students of schools on the island, re-establishing native forest area devastated by fires. Their aim is to replant one juniper (Sabina), at least, for every 100 kilometers traveled.

        At Prestige Properties we also want to help replant the burnt areas of the Ibizan landscape. Planting the junipers (sabinas), make them grow and help our beloved island retain it’s native flora and fauna. For this reason, Prestige Properties is donating € 500 to "The Sabina Boys" through the NGO for the reforestation of the island.

        You can also donate!!:

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        Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

          All against the fire in Ibiza!

          Prestige Properties with the Campaign for the Prevention of Forest Fires 2018

          According to sources of the "Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Agricultura I Pesca", in 2017 there were 95 forest fires that burned 168.1 hectares in the Balearic Islands; of which 71% in Mallorca, 17% in Formentera, 11% in Ibiza and 1% in Menorca.
          Negligence and accidental causes have caused 58% of the claims, while intentional fires have been approximately 20%.

          This 2018, the Government has reinforced the Fire Protection System for this summer season in Ibiza. This campaign began on May 1st and will continue until October 15th due to the high risk of fires throughout the Balearic Islands, Ibiza and Formentera will see their capacity to prevent and fight fire increased.

          Therefore, Prestige Properties has proposed to participate in the prevention of forest fires of our beloved island with this announcement of prevention and self-protection of forest fires:

          In addition, we want to offer a Forest Fire Prevention Guide addressed to the owners of the Fincas within the forest or near them, which you will find in the following link: Forest Fire Prevention Guide

          Do you have any questions or need more info?
          Send us a message and we will get back as quickly as possible!

            Posidonia Oceanica

            From time to time you will see masses of seaweed washed up on the beaches of Ibiza. It is in actual fact that it is not seaweed but a plant which has adapted to living under the ocean called Posidonia Oceanica.

            The Posidonia oceanica (commonly known as Neptune Grass or Mediterranean tapeweed) forms large underwater meadows that are an important part of the ecosystem. The fruit is free floating and known in Italy as "the olive of the sea" (l’oliva di mare). Balls of fibrous material from its foliage, known as egagropili, wash up to nearby shorelines.

            In May 2006, a team of international scientists discovered a Posidonia oceanica plant between the islands of Formentera and Ibiza measuring 8 km long and estimated to be more than 100,000 years old.

            It grows horizontally and can cover large areas of the seabed, and it also grows vertically leading to the formation of barrier reefs, which can reach 2m in height. Posidonia oceanica stabilises the seabed and protects the coastline from storms.

            Each year, the first autumn storms deposit large quantities of its dead leaves on the coast, creating yet another natural barrier by preventing beach erosion and protecting the sand dune systems.

            Ibiza, June 2016

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